About blog


In these technological times, where data has become a vital asset for companies, algorithmic auditing is becoming an integral part of how they function. My name is Lewis Henderson, and I invite you into the world of analyzing the algorithms that underpin the operations of modern organizations.

My blog is a deep dive into the algorithms that drive business processes. Not only do I look at them from a technical complexity perspective, but I also cover how these algorithms impact the strategy and success of companies.

Algorithmic auditing is a key tool in understanding how companies operate, make decisions, and respond to changes in the environment. My goal is to clarify complex concepts in this area and share insights into how algorithms shape our business reality.

In the blog, I analyze different types of algorithms, their application in different industries, and how they influence strategic decision making. I provide readers with information on what algorithms are used in today’s companies and how they can be optimized to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

In my blog, I not only share the technical aspects of algorithms, but also discuss their ethical use, the importance of data security, and privacy issues.

Through my experience and research in the field of algorithms, I aim to broaden your perspective on the complexities of modern business and help you understand the factors that drive business decisions.